21 July 2022

Types of constitution

Types of Constitutions
A Constitution is a system which establishes the fundamental rules and principles which a state will use to govern and regulate. There are several types of constitutions: written/unwritten, rigid/flexible, federal/unitary. The term written constitution is used to describe a constitution that is entirely written, that is codified in one single document. Written constitutions normally consist of a ceremonial preamble, which sets forth the goals of the state and the motivation for the constitution, and several articles containing the substantive provisions. The term unwritten constitution is used to describe a constitution in which no single, formal document delineates the powers of a government. Instead, an unwritten constitution comprises the body of a country's laws, enacted over time, with an emphasis on political precedent and parliamentary procedure, to create a framework in which a limited government operates. Unwritten constitutions can contain written sources: e.g. constitutional statutes enacted by the Parliament; and also unwritten sources: constitutional conventions, customs and traditions. Many historians use the term “rigid” to describe the Constitution because in such constitution there are provisions in writing that cannot be legally changed with the same ease and in the same manner as ordinary laws. On the other hand, the Constitution is called “flexible” because it is an unwritten document that can be changed by an act of Parliament or through a process of amendment. The federal constitution establishes the division of authority between the Federal Government and the component units of the government. In a federal constitution, sovereignty is invested in the central government. It allows a limited amount of government among units. The unitary constitution relates to the parliament. It follows parliamentary system of power. The unitary constitution establishes a unitary system of government where a central government does exist. Although units are associated with that government, sovereignty is controlled by the central government.

1. Используя текст, охарактеризуйте конституции Российской Федерации, США и Великобритании письменно.  

2. Translate the sentences: 
1. The evidence to be found at the crime scene is very important for the investigation. 
2. The report to be written by the investigator must include all he facts collected during the investigation. 
3. The crimc to be investigated by Scotland Yard occurred on the Thames. 
4. The criminal case to be tried by our district court next week is much spoken of in our city. 
5. Justice in this country to be administered equally by judges often depends on the sum of money a person has. 
6. He spoke of the problems to be settled in the nearest future. 
7. The article to be discussed by the students is about the American Constitution.

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