21 July 2022

RF constitution review

RF constitution review

I quite agree with it ….(я согласен(-на))I don’t agree with it ….(я не согласен(-на)
1. The form of the US government is based on the Constitution of 1787,adopted after the War of Independence.
2. The Bill of Rights is often violated in the USA.
3. The US Constitution is regarded as a democratic document by mosthistorians.
4. The privileged class made the Constitution for the working people in 1787.
5. A life of security, health care, income are guaranteed for all the people in America by the Constitution of the USA.
6. The US Constitution was adopted in 1787 and then was added by amendments.
7. The US Constitution consists of the Preamble, seven articles and twentyseven amendments.
8. The people in America were not satisfied with the Constitution of 1787 because it didn’t guarantee certain basic freedoms and individual rights.
9. The British state is a federal republic.
10. There are two branches of power in Great Britain: the legislature and the executive.
11. The Supreme authority of the United Kingdom is the Cabinet.
12. The Cabinet and other ministers of the Crown direct national policy.
13. The highest judicial body is the House of Lords.
14. The Russian Federation was established by the Constitution of 1995.
15. The Government consists of the federal ministers only.
16.The authorities of the constituent entities don’t have the right to pass laws independently of the Federal Government.
17. Should the selected candidate be rejected three times, the President appoints the Prime Minister himself.
18. A draft budget is to be discussed by the State Duma.
19. To become a law a bill must be signed by the President.
20. Judges are subject to the President only.
21. The Prime Minister heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
22. In case of a conflict between federal and local authorities, the President uses consensual procedures to resolve the problem.

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